Thursday, October 18, 2007

Why Law--International and Otherwise?

Why did someone not have the guts to ask Shieffer how do you "KNOW" what Iran has or doesn't have and what Iran INTENDS or does not intend? And then ask him so what? So what if Iran were persuing nuclear weapons? Where does ANY nation that has--and especially that has actually used and threatened the use of nuclear weapons have any authorty, under basic logic or international law, to threaten and actually attack another for pursuing the same weapons under the same logic of deterrence?
I swear I in my travels and living outside the U.S. for over twenty years, I have never seen any nation with as many really dumb, stupid (we are all ignorant about different things but stupid means wants to stay ignorant and take active measures to do so), intellectually smug and uncurious, and just plain mean, selfish and arrogant people as in this country.
But remember what Britain once in was (an empire so vast geographically thus on which the sun never sets)and what Britain is now: a little two-bit nation with an inbred dysfunctional monarchy unable to hang on to even Northeren Ireland.
Why we have law--international and otherwise? Without it all you have is Darwin Day with the most vicious, most predatory, most ruthless ruling until, like "The Fastest Gun in the West" who is no longer "the fastest", one highly armed and vicious predator is replaced by another even more armed and more vicious. Of course predators, always think they they are immune and no one can beat them; they do not have a concept that the very laws they mock and break today, they will one day invoke and beg to have enforced for their own survival.
According to the book The Samson Option by Seymour Hersh, Israel has about 200 nukes, full ABC (Atomic, Biological and Chemical) capabilities (at Nes Ziiyona near Tel Aviv according to former Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky) and they threaten that if their existence is threatened, they will light off all 200 nukes and take down the whole temple (the whole planet--The Samson Option).
Want to hear something very interesting and true? Use this when you get accused of being an anti-Semite by one of the big mouths who call any critics of Israel or Zionism anti-Semites.
Victor Ostrovsky, a former Mossad agent and author of several books on Mossad, used to have a radio show called "Spy Talk" in Tuscon. Well on one of his shows he was discussing the U.S.S. Liberty incident during the Seven Day War when Israel attacked the USS Liberty, an NSA survillance ship the Israelis knew well, and after sinking it in three separate attacks, also strafing the waters over 40 minutes to try to make sure all crew were dead. Why? According to James Bamford's "Body of Secrets" a definitive book on NSA (along with his Puzzle Palace) and made with assistance of NSA after Bamford and his book "The Puzzle Palace" had first been blacklisted by them, the Israeli troops under the command of Ariel Sharon, had lined up and executed a bunch of Egyptian POWs Nazi "Einsatzgruppen" style, and the Liberty had picked up radio transmissions of the war crimes going on and the Israelis thought only the Liberty had heard them and could be taken out to destrroy th evidence. The Israelis did not know that an NSA EC-121 was also picking up the same broadcasts.
Well I called in to the show with what I just relayed and Ostrovfsky agreed that this had happened. Before going into Mossad, he had been a Commander in the Israeli Navy. I then raised the issue that while Israel was selling cluster bombs and training the fascist forces of Pinochet of Chile and his DINA in interrogation techniques, the chief advisor on "internal security" for Pinochet was none other than Walter Rauff, the architect of the first Nazi mobile gas vans, sentenced to death in absentia in 1946 and a wanted Nazi war criminal, and one of the heads of the infamous ODESSA the organization for aiding nazi war criminals and setting up a "Fourth Reich" someday.
Well Ostrovsky got into it and did me one better. It seems that when he was in Mossad, he saw evidence, that in 1949, at an Israeli naval base, training Israeli commandos was none other than "Hitler's Commando", who put down the July 20th 1944 assasination plot against Hitler, a head of the ODESSA, onetime wanted nazi war crimninal until CIA put him on their payroll, an active and totally committed nazi until his death, Otto Skorzeny. I about crapped when I heard that.
So yes, what goes for any one country goes for all. If any one nation can have nuclear weapons then all, regardless of type of system, have precedent and authority for the same. If one nation can launch a preemptive attack with genocidal intent, then all nations have precedent and license. Otherwise we say authority of law is situational and binding on the weak or systems WE do not endorse or like, but NOT on the strong and that are like US and that we endorse. And of course that is exactly what nazis said and say.
And what is so tragic, and such an ugly desecration to the memory of the Nazi Holocaust and its victims, Jewish and non-Jewish, is when descendents of the victims of Nazis act like Nazis and even collaborate--under the banner of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend"--not only with neo-nazis, but actual wanted nazi criminals from that very Holocaust they cynically use for their own propaganda to cover their own forms of fascism and hubris.
Interestingly the most rabid and most uncritical supporters of Israeli exclusionism from all being demanded of other nations, including by them, are guilt-ridden Zionists outside of Israel (not all Jews are Zionists and not all Zionists are Jews) of the "Disapora" that the Iraeli Government knows well how to manipulate. These are part of the overall forces and lobbies for preemptive attacks against Iran this time as they were lobbyists for attacking Iraq under the WMD banner.
See here cognitive dissonance kicks in. When there is a conflict and naked contradiction between belief and emotions (interests),or between belief and facts, or between facts and emotions, it sets up some dissonance or disharmony in need of resolution. Example? "Well if you are such a hard-core Zionist and supporter of Israel, and Zionism means to return to build and defend the Jewish State, why do you not speak Hebrew or Yiddish?"; "Why do you go over to Israel only for short trips and stay in nice hotels?" "Why do you not serve in the Israeli military?" "Why do you not invest your life and body in Israel, perhaps in the most dangerous areas where you are most needed, especially with the rates at which these damn Arabs breed, instead of staying in the comfortable and safe Diaspora?" These are actually the kinds of things native-born Israelis often say about some of the big mouths in the Diaspora so hot on shedding someone else's blood. They are exactly like the Chickenhawks here who are all for "staying the course" by the military in which they never served and their children will never serve.
Interestingly, according to the polls, over 70% of Jews in Israel identify themselves as "Secular Non-observant" or "Reform" Jews. This means that according to the hard-core ultra-rightists and ultra-religious Jews who hold political power in Israel, and who do not consider Reform and Secular Jews as "real Jews", and thus do not consider their marriages--and therefore the children from those marriages--as legitimate", then according to those in power, over 70& of the population of "The Jewish State" are not "real Jews" and their children are bastards.
The Israeli Government and Zionist organizations help the at-a-safe-distance-super-Zionists (their Chickenhawks) with their cognitive dissonance angst with stuff like: "We need Jews and non-Jewish supporters in the Diaspora to spread the word and to recruit people and money; they are a vital part of the overall security of Israel and are needed just where they are..."
If you look at some of the profiles of some of these settlers that occupy and refuse to leave Palestinian lands even when ordered by the Israeli Government, the ones inflaming the Middle East with their arrogance and conempt for even basic international law and the Indigenous Peoples, you will find a similar profile of a cognitive-dissonance-driven angst. Many, when they came to Israel, spoke no Hebrew and still speak little, had been secular and non-observant Jews, perhaps into sex, drugs and rock and roll during younger years, but now married with young kids, now catching up for lost time and claiming to be super-religious. But the questions remain and are often posed by native-born Israelis: "Where were you all this time?" "How come you do not speak Hebrew and Yiddish if you are so super religious and culturally so super Jewish?" "How come you are coming to Israel only now at 30 some years old etc?" And of course, since all converts have to show their "bona fides" to the "insiders", "nothing as fanatic as a convert" just like with ex-smokers, so they act even more belicose, arrogant, racist, chauvinistic etc than many of the cynical or peace-seeking Sabras and a major source of the problems in the Middle East.
It is a sure sign that this Empire is on its last days when the "best" it can produce among candidates in both parties for president and indeed other offices is this present assortment of intellectual intellectual and moral nothings. The thought of the codes and authority to take the world into global Armageddon in the hands of any of these pompous and posturing creatures from our typical menus of "choice" is truly frightening--as is the prospect of the power to "elect" any of them and place them in positions of such powers in the hands of as many self-absorbed and willfully ignorant morons as there are in America.
The point is, the day is rapidly approaching, actually it is here now, when racist, colonizing and imperial nations like the U.S. and Israel will hypocritically invoke or beg for protections of the very international law they so arrogantly violate and show utter contempt for now. In the end, they are not only principal sources of State-sponsored terrorism in the world today, they give direct aid, comfort, and even license and the authority of precedents for other terrorists.