Thursday, June 14, 2007

Some Poetry of Resistance

Some Poetry of Resistance
by Jim Craven/Omahkohkiaayo i'poyi
who dream,
of that better world,
must learn:
not only to dream,
but to act;
not only to destroy,
but to build;
not only to hate,
but to love;
that, love for the oppressed,
even demands,
no mercy for oppressors;
that, on a long road,
some call it life,
with so many twists and turns,
and ups and downs,
and forks
and crossroads,
and no one,
leaves any signposts,
or maps f
or the grand journey,
Along this road:
some pain,
some joy,
more joy than pain,
for those who can love,
and not merely hate,
for those who can build,
and not merely destroy;
in the scheme of things:
we are insignificant,
and yet so significant,
in that we can contemplate,
our insignificance;
are like the wind:
for a brief moment,
in the scheme of things,
suddenly gone,
leaving a memory,
of what was,
and hope,
for what could be.
Jim Craven (Written in 1963 before--"paradoxically"--entering the U.S. Army)

Tautological Hubris
A Poem by Jim Craven/Omahkohkiaayo i'poyi
are Americans,
"Number One",
you know,
just ask us;
"Number One"
in what?
money, for instance,
and that buys
everything else of "worth".
We are the most,
among nations,
in God's Grace;
How do we know?
we're "Number One",
and only those in God's Grace,
would God make "Number One",
that is the evidence,
the "proof",
it is all very Calvinist,
and purely tautological.
And only those
in God's Grace,
have the "Truth",
that is also the evidence,
the "proof",
that we are in God's grace,
and have the truth,
since only those with the "Truth",
could be in God's Grace,
and vice versa,
it is all very Calvinist,
and purely tautological.
And how can those
with the "Truth",
be wrong?
or not act
in accordance
with the "Truth"?
and that is the evidence,
the "proof",
that we have the "Truth",
and act in accordance with it,
because what we believe,
and what we do,
keeps us in God's Grace,
we must have the "Truth",
and must be acting
in accordance with it,
it is all very Calvinist,
and purely tautological.
And since
those who have the "Truth",
and act in accordance with it,
are the Good
and the Blessed,
we must be
the Good and Blessed,
we have the "Truth",
and act
in accordance with it,
which means that those
who do not
believe as we do,
or act
as we act,
must not have the "Truth",
or be acting in accordance with it,
they must not be
in God's Grace,
they must be
Evil and the Damned;
it is all very Calvinist,
and purely tautological.

Deadly/ Contrived Syllogisms

A Poem by Jim Craven/Omahkohkiaayo i'poyi

can be so benign,
and yet,
so deadly,
it can give
the illusion:
of structure,
and "order";
and yet,
be an instrument,
of brutal anarchy;
and heal;
and it can be used
to repress
and enslave,
and to spread sicknesses;
can wear many masks,
or be used
to strip the masks away;
If--but only if:
And if
but only if
B=C "
Then, Therefore,
"Ergo" , and then:
A= What?
It all depends
what words really mean,,,
It is all so simple,
and yet not so,
and then?
U.S. = Capitalism?
Capitalism = "Freedom"?
"Ergo", and then?
U.S. = What?
Religion X,
and ONLY
Religion X,
is in accordance with,
or Equals
"Holy Book" Y
"Holy Book" Y,
and ONLY
"Holy Book" Y,
is in accordance with,
The True "Word" of "God"
and then?
Religion X = What?
And what is Religion X?
Mine, of course,
What else coujld it be?
"Human Nature" = Greed
"Greed" = Capitalism
and then?
"Human Nature" = What?
-And what is human Nature?
As I act,
in accordance with MY interests,
What else could it be?
U.S. Foreign Policy =
Globalization of "Human Rights"
Globalization of "Human Rights"
= Only hope of Humanity? "
and then?
U.S. Foreign Policy = What?
Nation X =
Terrorism =
and then?
Nation X = What?
can be
so seductive,
or penetrating
and frightening,
so necessary
to enlighten,
so able
to bring darkness,
so able
to create,
so able
to destroy,
like a hammer,
it can be used
to build a house,
or to smash a skull,
and build a tomb.

The Bonemen's Labor of Sisyphus
by Jim Craven /Omahkohkiaayo i'poyi
From the genocidal Puritans,
and all the misery
and wealth
their genocide brought.
To the occultists,
Masonics and Illuminati,
and the "Founding Families"
of "The Republic":
predators all,
and all the misery,
and wealth,
their genocide brought.
To the opium trade
of the 1800s,
and all the misery
and wealth
that it brought.
To the "Indian Wars",
then not a football team,
decapitated dead,
stolen skulls,
for a twisted
"skull science",
and "proof",
of preordination:
to supremacy
and rule,
to plunder
and "extraterritoriality",
throughout the continents,
and all the misery
and wealth
that it all brought.
To the financing,
of all sides,
of the "Great" War,
and all the misery
and wealth
that treachery brought.
To the looting
and desecration
of the tomb,
of a great Warrior,
as if,
possessing his skull
and other remains,
could give
these petty organism,
frightened of death
as they are
of really living,
could ever capture,
or understnad,
his great spirit and power,
or even his stature.
To the vicious
Thule society,
and the financing
of its offspring,
the evil one,
early on,
when "IT",
and ITs kind,
could have been stopped.
To the eugenics movement,
the sterilizations
of many innocents,
the "right breeding",
they said,
as if
these preppy in-breds,
were anything
to write home about.
To the plot
to overthrow FDR,
to set up a system,
like that
of the evil one,
the fascist cancer,
they continued to finance,
and profit nicely from.
To the atomic bombs
at Hiroshima and Nagasaki,
in no way "military necessity"
not the final shots
of a global war
but rather,
the opening shots
of a new war,
and the opening
of a deadly "Pandora's Box",
that continues
to threaten human survival.
To the use
of the poor and downtrodden,
as subjects
of "medical "experimentation,
to provide
"proof" of their "superiority",
and preordination
to rule.
To the hiding
of nazi criminals,
justly wanted
for only a portion of their crimes,
to hide their own complicity,
and their own crimes.
To the creation
of many fronts,
wearing many masks,
in business,
the arts,
and government;
hiding intentions
and capabilities
as ugly and deadly
as those,
behind the masks,
To the "New Order",
as ominous-sounding,
and with the same intentions,
as when the nazis
used the term.
To the present,
the illusion of "choice",
from a rigged menu,
heads we win,
tales you lose,
cover the thesis,
manage the inevitable
the antithesis
thus engineering,
a new "synthesis",
to become
the new order,
of the "chosen"
and preordained,
always in their interests,
and of their choosing,
until their masks
are ripped away,
and they face
their real destiny,
that for which
they were really preordained,
judgment in a higher court,
even they
cannot contrive and control,
with their own illusions
and intentions,
as dead as their trophy skulls and bones,
and their quest
for immortality.

Through their "Tomb",
and sick rituals and symbols,
their money,
and power,
cannot buy eternal life.
They labor,
like the labor of Sisyphus,
control freaks,
with the illusion
of control,
of the ultimate,
"democratic institution":